Our dangerous goods by sea refresher training course is designed for experienced shipping professionals who need to review and update their understanding of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) code and the requirements for transporting hazardous materials by sea.
This course will provide a comprehensive review of the key concepts and best practices for shipping dangerous goods, including classifying, identifying, packing, marking & labelling, and documentation requirements. Participants will also have the opportunity to refresh their knowledge of the responsibilities of shippers, carriers, and receivers in ensuring the safe handling and transport of these materials.
Through a combination of lectures, hands-on activities, and case studies, participants will have the opportunity to test their knowledge and skills, and to ask questions and clarify any areas of uncertainty.
This course is a valuable opportunity for experienced shipping professionals to refresh their knowledge and skills in the safe transportation of dangerous goods by sea and to ensure compliance with the IMDG code.